If you are old enough to remember the television series "Family Ties" then the commercial regarding embryonic stem
cell research is aimed at you! Please don't be fooled.
Throughout most of the 1980s, Michael J. Fox, a recent Canadian emigrant, portrayed Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties.
The Keaton character, complete with a picture of Richard Nixon hanging on his bedroom wall, was a republican,
conservative, capitalist, near nerd who resonated well with Reagan Republicans and Reagan Democrats. They loved
the little guy standing up for his and their values in a house full of Berkley styled lefty parents and shopping mall
educated siblings. Folks, Michael J. Fox is no longer the adorable A.P. Keaton
We hope and pray for a cure for Parkinson's disease and complete recovery for Mr. Fox. We do not, however, believe
that his comments, in the partisan commercial, are accurate or fair to the candidates that he slams.
It is obvious that Michael J. Fox, besides being afflicted with a terrible disease, has joined the ranks of the Hollywood
left and thinks that government and tax dollars solve all ills. There is no legitimate evidence that a magic bullet cure
from embryonic stem cell science is even over the horizon. To say so is disingenuous.
Remember when you vote on November 7th, Alex P. Keaton died, along with the TV show, in 1989. Michael J. Fox is
no longer Alex P. Keaton.
The MOVE-OVER.org Editorial Board
Mike Sharq